Tracking Device Features

You can easily and super-easy to know the details of the vehicle and control it through the computer or even through your mobile device.

General Brief

The vehicle tracking service is a device installed inside the vehicle, which is able to locate the vehicle with ease and security and control the vehicle completely remotely It works on all types of vehicles and equipment, it helps to manage the fleet of your vehicles and protect them from thefts.

The Easiest Way

To Monitor & Dispatch Your Vehicles

We give you the power and performance of a complete fleet management system. Fleet owners gain a new level of control over their vehicles, drivers and fleet operating costs. We represent the highest value vehicle tracker and fleet tracking solution in the industry. Its proven functionality and rapid deployment easily scales whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise organization. Vehicle Tracking System offers a comprehensive suite of solutions for professionals in the efficiency of freight transport by fleet monitoring and tracking.

TCITC license

We are committed to providing integrated technical support to our clients. We always seek the right information and answer their queries accurately and with the speed they expect to enable them to benefit from our products effectively and permanently.

مرخص من هيئة النقل العام

يتوفر لدينا أفضل التقنيات و الحساس التي تتوافق مع متطلبات هيئة النقل العام مع وجود فريق دعم لحل جميع الإشكاليات طوال أيام الاسبوع .

tracking devices

Most trustable and secure devices.

Our Login System

you can use any of the two methods to access the system, the platform supports the computer and smart phones or download the application of smart phones from the store to experience the system by entering the demo account

Available for your

Our Login System

you can use any of the two methods to access the system, the platform supports the computer and smart phones or download the application of smart phones from the store to experience the system by entering the demo account

Username: DEMO
Password: 1234

Experiment with the system


improve your road security

Road safety and security. … These risks can be e.g. misbehavior of road users, influenced by design and operation of the infrastructure. “Security” means protection from threat situations which are brought into the traffic from outside, such as extreme weather conditions or attacks. Road traffic safety refers to the methods and measures used to prevent road users from being killed or seriously injured. Typical road users include: pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, vehicle passengers, horse-riders and passengers of on-road public transport (mainly buses and trams). Development of municipal road safety concepts · Safety audit/assessment for planning and inventory · Accident analyses (local and network-wide) · Development, assessment and evaluation of measures to increase road safety, · Examination of traffic behaviour in motorised and non-motorised traffic

technical support

our customers

We always keep strong and long relationship with our clients

شركة أشجان نجد لتأجير السيارات

وزارة الصحة

وزارة الإعلام

مدينة الملك عبدالعزيز للعلوم والتقنية

الهيئة العامة للمواني ميناء الجبيل التجاري

أمانة منطقة الرياض

أمانة منطقة القصيم

جمعية البر الخيرية

شركة المياة الوطنية

شركة مطاعم الرومانسية

مستشفي المواساة

شركة بروفاست المحدودة

شركة جرين للخرسانة الجاهزة

شركة الهيثم للتعدين

شركة شموع الماضي

شركة مطاعم البيت الرومنسي

شركة الصحراء للبتروكيماويات


شركة بناء للخرسانه الجاهزة

شركة بوابة الغذاء

شركة اعمال القيمة لتأجير السيارات

شركة الياسين الزراعية

مؤسسة طريق القيادة لتاجير السيارات

Get In Touch

If you would like to talk with one of our customer services representatives please fill in the form below or call us on the number at the bottom.
